Once a customer order and items are ready to be shipped, the shipping department can view an order and match it to the items to be shipped. Packing Slips are automatically generated from the order. The shipping department only has to enter the quantity shipped. Also available is the ability to scan attachments as well as create text notes. Colour coded status keys such as; not shipped, overdue, short shipped, fully shipped, etc¡ visually illustrates the status of a customer order and items. Once the order is shipped a proforma invoice is generated and the accounts receivable department is automatically notified by email that the invoice should be sent to the customer.
Additional features:
- Partial shipments
- Back order management
- Vendor shipments
- Attachments
- Text Notes
“To stay competitive in today’s market and maintain a high level of customer service, we needed to automate our company processes to effectively manage the financial, operational and manufacturing activities of our business. The Allaris solution has exceeded all of our expectations.”